Homeostasis. What is it and why is it important?

Woman doing yoga in a peaceful setting. Achieving homeostasis

Homeostasis has become a “buzzword” within the cannabis community these days. It seems everyone is throwing the term around  and “touting” how cannabis products, particularly those featuring Cannabidiol (CBD), promote or enhance homeostasis. But what does that mean? And how does it work?  Homeostasis: The Definition In biology, Homeostasis can be defined as the steady, […]

A come “back” story

Katie post-surgery 4 weeks

[This is a continuation of my story, published previously] Pain First there was the pain. Every day, the persistent, stupid, frustrating pain. Little by little, it replaced parts of me, like swapping out old holey socks for new ones, a pair at a time. Except the opposite. The perfectly good parts of me were being […]